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55th Annual MSOP Lectureship Playlist
"Thy Word is Truth" - Keith Mosher
"Ye Shall Know the Truth" - Scott Cain
"In Six Days the Lord Made Heaven and Earth" - BJ Clarke
CHAPEL: "Walk Before Me in Truth" - Matthew Brotherton
CHAPEL: "Of a Truth Thou Art the Son of God" - Joshua Walker
"The Word Became Flesh" - Tom Wacaster
"We Have a Great High Priest" - Jimmy Clark
"In Thee Shall All Families of the Earth Be Blessed" - Billy Bland
Ye Shall Not Add Unto The Word Which I Command You Neither Shall Ye Deminish From It - Derrick Coble
"The Role of Older Men" - Gary Hampton
"We Must Worship in Spirit and in Truth" - Paul Sain
Fear God And Keep His Commandments - Dennis Johns
"Hereby Ye Know" - Bobby Liddell
"For God So Loved the World" - Dan Winkler
CHAPEL: "There Is No Truth In The Land" - Brandon Blackwell
"CHAPEL: Speak Every Man the Truth to His Neighbor" - Cody McCoy
"How Shall They Hear Without a Preacher" - Michael Clarke
"Be Ye Holy, For I Am Holy" - Hiram Kemp
"Love God with All Your Heart, Soul and Mind" - Mike Vestal
"Elders In Every Church" Acts 14:23 - Ronnie Scherffius
"Love Your Neighbor As You Love Yourself" - Mark Reynolds
"Behold the Goodness of God" - Larry Acuff
"Humble Yourselves In The Sight Of The Lord" - Steven Ford
"Pray without Ceasing" - Don Blackwell
"He is Risen!" - Cliff Goodwin
"CHAPEL: Am I Therefore Your Enemy Because I Tell You the Truth?" - Epifanio Carranza
"CHAPEL: Buy the Truth, and Sell it Not" - Noah Olson
"What God Hath Joined Together Let Not Man Put Asunder" - Allen Webster
"I Suffer Not a Woman to Teach" - Dan Cates
"Give and it Shall Be Given unto You" - Tim Kidwell
Without Shedding Of Blood There Is No Remission - TJ Clarke
"Without Faith it is Impossible to Please Him" - Devin Dean
"Behold the Severity of God" - Stan Crowley
"The Pillar And Ground Of The Truth" - Barry Kennedy
"Beware of False Prophets" - Kevin Rutherford
"I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life" - John DeBerry
"CHAPEL: Of a Truth...God is no Respecter of Persons" - Tobias Hatchett
"CHAPEL: Have Your Loins Girt About with Truth" - Matthew Sloan
"Male and Female Created He Them" - Mike McDaniel
"Beware of Covetousness" - Mike Bonner
"Ye Have Purified Your Souls in Obeying the Truth" - Mike Hixson
"We Ought To Obey God Rather Than Men" - Tim Glasshof
"Paul's Timeless Message for Husbands" - Preston Silcox
"For He Careth for You" - Glenn Hitchcock
"The Truth In 2nd and 3rd John" - Robert Jefferies Jr
"It is Appointed Unto Men Once to Die" - Terrance Brownlow-Dindy
"The Judgment of God is According to Righteousness" - Robert Taylor, Jr.
Ladies Class Playlist
In accordance with 1 Timothy 2:11-12, the ladies classes at the MSOP Lectures were taught to women only. They are included here for the purpose of allowing women to learn from godly Christian women (Titus 2:3-5).
LADIES ONLY*** "The Woman Who Left A Timeless Memorial" - Mindy Reynolds
LADIES ONLY*** "The Role Of Older Women" (Titus 2:3-5) - Rebecca Davis
LADIES ONLY*** "Remember Lots Wife" - Cindy Rodgers
LADIES ONLY*** "Entreat Me Not To Leave Thee" - Tish Clarke
LADIES ONLY*** I Will Therefore That The Younger Women 1 Tim. 5:14 - Berta Kennedy
LADIES ONLY*** "This Poor Widow Has Cast In More Than They All" - Melissa Cain
LADIES ONLY*** "Women Professing Godliness" - Vicky Rutherford
LADIES ONLY*** "Pauls Timeless Message For Wives" - Dianne Callahan